Lets Rock


2010 Ibanez New Product


Every guitar player has at one time dreamed of "a guitar that catches everyone’s attention." The image and identity of the Ibanez Xiphos may be its aggressive and distinctive shape. Aside from its cosmetics, the basic quality and functionality are very advanced when compared to other Ibanez models although it was only released a few years back.

The new, limited version of Xiphos, XPT1400TW, is a double neck guitar featuring a regular 6-string neck paired with a 7-string counterpart, both of which are icons of Ibanez electric guitars.Both necks feature neck-through construction. Paired with a Mahogany body, this construction makes for tight low-end, great sustain, and very fat tone. The deep cut at the neck joint allows fast playability at higher fret positions.The 7-string neck features a 27 inch, extra long scale and the bridge is the strong and rigid Gibraltar Custom, which allows you have a tight low end sound without losing string tension when you tune down.The 6 string neck features a 25.5 inch scale and the Edge III double locking tremolo, which allows the player to perform a variety of whammy tricks and licks.The KTS™ TITANIUM Reinforcement bar is installed in both necks and makes them strong and stable.The DiMarzio® D Activator™ pickups are passive, yet have a powerful and aggressive sound like active pickups which create rich harmonics and well defined notes.The strap pins are located at the best position to maintain a comfortable playing position and accurate body balance.No guitar has such an absolute presence and strong character as the XPT1400TW does. XPT1400TW is definitely eye-catching. Grab it for yourself and feel the power of the XPT1400TW.
  • 5pc Maple/Walnut neck-thru w/TITANIUM Reinforcement
  • Mahogany body
  • Jumbo frets
  • Color : GP (Gray Pewter)
  • Case included

7 string

  • Neck Type : Wizard II-7
  • Gibraltar Custom-7 bridge
  • DiMarzio® D Activator-7 (H) neck pu
  • DiMarzio® D Activator-7 (H) bridge pu
  • Scale: 685.8mm/ 27”
  • Control : 1 Volume w/ PU Selector
  • String Gauge : .010/.013/.017/.026/.036/.046/.054
  • Factory Tuning : 1E,2B,3G,4D,5A,6E,7B

6 string

  • Neck Type : Wizard II
  • Edge III bridge
  • DiMarzio® D-Activator (H) neck pu
  • DiMarzio® D-Activator (H) bridge pu
  • Scale : 648mm/ 25.5”
  • Control : 1 Volume, 1 Tone w/ PU Selector
  • String Gauge : .009/.011/.016/.024/.032/.042
  • Factory Tuning : 1E,2B,3G,4D,5A,6E


The Best Indonesian Guitarist

indonesian top guitarists who already have big names of more than one decade

Eet Syahrani
Name: Eet Sjahranie
Full Name: Zahedi Riza Sjahranie
Place / Date of Birth: Bandung (West Java), February 3, 1962
Game Style: Rock
Group Band previous: Superdigi, God Bless, Cynomadeus
Group Band now: Edane
Musical influences: Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Van Halen, AC / DC, Peter
Gabriel, Trevor Rabin, God Bless, Koes Plus, Bimbo, Fariz RM
Guitarist admired abroad: Too many of them man! Van Halen, Trevor Rabin, Angus Young, Tony Iommi just to name a few
Local senior guitarist influential: Ian Antono (God Bless), Odink Nasution (Thunder Gypsies)
Other local senior guitarist who admired: Albert Warnerin (Giant Step), Yopie videos, Gideon Tengker
The young guitarist who admired: Wow a lot! Some of them are Baron, Pay, Rama, Ivan (Boomerang), well ... a lot man, not a cave may write only one
Zodiac: Aquarius
Softwares: ProTools LE
Non-formal education: Recording Workshop (Chillicothe, OH, USA)

Ian Antono

Ian Antono has the original name Joseph Antono Djojo born in Malang, East Java, October 29, 1950. He is a musician and songwriter who is also one of the guitarist of legendary rock group God Bless. Now name this Antono Ian began to attract attention because at that time the atmosphere of rock music in Indonesia, no one has started. God Bless the one who spearheaded the first time. So Ian is also automatically became the first guitarist in the path of flying rock Indonesia

Abdee Negara

Abdee Negara born in Donggala, Central Sulawesi, June 28, 1968. This is Abdee guitarist, vocalist, songwriter and producer who is a senior gan. He is one of the guitarist Slank, Ridho and guitarist has played with many other national and international, one of Paul Gilbert. Besides Slank, his main band, Abdee also a producer of other bands such as Indonesia Serieus. Since the beginning of his career, Negara has presented a style of playing rock-blues.


 Besides busy with Slank, Abdee also recorded as a sound engineer and producer for other bands albums as Seurieus. He also became one clinician in the magazine along with members of the G Plus gitaris.com, Owen. For guitar, Abdee become artist endorser for brands and Extreme guitar. Even so, he still wanted a Telecaster model.

Andra Ramadhan
Born in Surabaya, June 17, 1972. Andra admitted late attracted to music. because the new junior high through extra curicular music. First he dreamed of becoming seo famous drummer now, but due to cost to buy the drums very expensive and after seeing his friend play guitar fun, hobby was changed. Capital loans guitar, he began learning guitar, and indeed because of talent, skills and techniques of the game is growing very rapidly. In this SMPN 6, Andra met Dhani, Wawan, and Erwin then they agreed to form a band by the name of god. The flow of the first rock theirs eventually moved into jazz due to the influence of Erwin. They had won the event at the time Yamaha Music still using the name of Down Beat. After it got serious in the world of music. At first, Andra prefer bad looking guitars character than the sound itself. New since joining the Down Beat with Ahmad Dhani, and Erwin, he began to notice the sound produced by each type of guitar.
Problems later in life hung Andra when he must choose between his career as a musician or continue his studies in interior design department. With careful consideration, Andra eventually chose to continue to pursue a career in the music world, but that does not mean steps remain smooth, since both parents did not agree to release the bench Andra college. Like normal parents, they want to see Andra earned a degree as a fifth brother was over. But eventually her parents would understand and it proved the right choice Andra. After releasing his lectures, his concentration to Dewa 19 makes creativity more unearthed. 
Down Beat who later renamed Dewa19 began recording demos of songs nuanced jazz. It's because the time of rock Indonesia's atmosphere is not promising. New at the time of the rock group Slank debut appeared and became a phenomenon on 1991, Dewa19 rock back on track, although there are still a touch of jazz and pop. With the initial formation Ahmad Dhani on the keyboard, on vocals Ari Lasso, Erwin on bass and drums Interview at the end of 1992 the first album was released by relying hits We Not On Sex Again and Joey are great acclaim. Two years later the 2nd album released under the title The Future Formats. Again two hits mainstay No 'it's love of the Other and I'm Yours got a good reception. Andra game in the first two albums still rock '80 nuanced. Even the songs I'm Yours and Barbie, guitar solos exactly nuanced Andra Vitto Bratta (White Lion).

3rd album, entitled Best Best released in 1995. Do not be fooled by the title because the album was not the album The Best. Hits are the mainstay is the One Heart, Love is it Membawamu Back, One Heart, and a Self-Situ Nurbaya song which became the song most often performed by young bands on the scene the festivals or music performances. Glam rock style of play became inspiration Andra many young people to learn guitar and nge-band. Year 1997, released the album Five Pandavas. This time the candidate hits Kirana, I'm here for you, and you're the one and only.
For guitar business, which was first used Aria Pro Stratocaster type for making the first album and his live performances. Then after trying Fender guitar he began using it. To get a better sound, he then put Dimarzio pickups on his guitar Aria Pro. But then he would have preferred to use classic Fender Stratocaster to the Dewa19 album to four.
in 2006, Andra and the god release the new album, entitled Republic of Love, and God again used the title as the name of the band Dewa19.

Aria Baron Suprayogi ( BARON )

Baron had studied with Donny Suhendra, Harry Roesli, and Pre Budidharma while still in high school baron. The results of this study was very successful until he was elected the best guitarist "Yamaha Live Contest". After some time in college, the Baron decides to music school to the Australian Guitar of the Institute on the advice of Joe Satriani. But he was expelled for bringing electric guitar. Then he returned to Indonesia and form a new band named / rif. But because all personnel refused to move to Jakarta, the Baron left / rif. It turned out that the band would later become one of the top rock bands, Indonesia.
Then Baron formed a new band named Gigi. The Baron in the band Dewa Budjana duet with a guitarist. Together with Gigi, Baron just released 2 albums 'Angan' (1994) which sold 100,000 copies. Then the album 'The World' (1995) sold 400,000 copies. 2 albums but this could toss a Baron as a top guitarist, Indonesia, because thanks to the album Dentistry awarded Best Music Group in Indonesia Music awards Gold. After leaving the teeth, Baron continued graduate school majoring in American advertising. In 2000 he returned to Indonesia and form his own group called the Baron Band.
In Baron Band, he brought ngepop music. But after seeing the Arch Enemy in America, Baron then move into the path of metal. It can be seen from the current style of metal end. Baron reportedly was preparing a project with metal musicians Indonesia. We'll wait on the game.



Well ya Indonesian guitar god. I Wayan Balawan born in Gianyar, Bali, September 9, 1973. Balawan known as a top jazz musicians Indonesia. He is a jazz guitarist who the name stuck and the more favored in Indonesia with a guitar playing technique Tapping Touch Style. He also had received his musical education in Australia, but he had majored in rock music is not jazz. Today Balawan rock band that carries Ethnic Fusion exploration of traditional Balinese music.
Balawan began playing music since the age of 8 years and then founded the band while still in elementary school. Balawan played some songs Scorpions, Deep Purple and Beatles. Because bored with rock music, Balawan school after graduation moved to Sydney to study jazz guitar and vocals at the Australian Institute Of Music. Balawan also receive scholarships for 3 years for Diploma Of Music.
Balawan became known in Sydney for 5 years until he returned to his hometown in Bali in 1997 and then formed a band called Stone Ethnic Fusion (Ethnic Balinese music combined with jazz music). Stone debut album titled Ethnic Fusion "Globalism" finally released.
Balawan is a very talented guitarist with a style very typical game, a technique known as "Tapping Touch Style" (such as Stanley Jordan). A game that uses all eight fingers to play a tap on the fretboard. A glimpse of this game look like piano playing: the game bass, chords and melody, all played with the left finger and right finger ... almost without a pick. Balawan game is so smooth and slippery. Mendevelop Balawan own unique independent tap where the game left and right finger was really nothing to do (completely different). To realize this, Balawan also trains this independent techniques in drumming. It was a surprise when he came to the studio's Balawan Gitaris.com, it Balawan is a drummer good enough too.

In Indonesia Balawan has been recognized as one of the best guitarists in Indonesia, was often filled Balawan TV in Indonesia and perform at Jazz Cafe, Ubud (Bali) with his band Rock Ethnic Fusion and jazznya group. Balawan is a guitar teacher and often appeared in several music schools in Indonesia. Balawan also endorsed by Ibanez and Laney.
Previous Balawan also been doing a tour in Europe: East Meet West Edekoben Germany Gitarren Festival 2000 Tour, tour to 20 cities in Germany in 2001, tours to the Hell Blues Festival in Norway (Sept. 2001) and released a solo album produced in Germany in the year 2001.

I Dewa Gede Budjana or known by the name of god Budjana born in West Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, August 30, 1963. He is a member of the band and plays Guido as a guitarist. Interest and talent in music Budjana god, especially a guitar, was very dominant seen since he was still sitting on the bench Elementary School in Klungkung Bali. To the point, small Budjana grandfather never steal money just to fulfill her desire to buy his first guitar for 10,000 rupiah.
Since a first guitar is what makes Budjana no longer have a passion for school, her guitar is number 1. At that time itself Budjana learn to play guitar technique, and he was able to quickly learn advanced Deddy Dores song titled Losing A girl and the song The Flower Setangkai Rollies entitled, and even then while he had not touched the literature of music / guitar formal. Right now other than the active information with Gigi, Budjana also undergo a solo career since 1997.
In 1984, Budjana Squirrell jazz band at his school, SMA II Surabaya. And after drinking a lot of experience, he moved to Jakarta a year later. In Jakarta, the fate of jazz meet on purpose with dedengkot country, the late Jack Lesmana, Indra Lesmana musician father. Through Jack, Budjana philosophy of the game draws a lot of jazz. From there, his star began to shine. Budjana increasingly recognized. After graduating studies in SMAN 2 Surabaya, Budjana moved to Jakarta. only more serious music and intensive. Began in 1985, leads the journey began in Jakarta.
In 1994, a group formed teeth Budjana with Baron (guitar), Thomas (bass), Armand (vocals) and Ronald (drums). Albums produced with this group is Angan (1994), World (1995), 3 / 4 (1996), 2x2 (1997), Looking Back (1998), and Good (1999), The Age, and a religious album Grab Victory
But through his work with Gigi, Budjana also pursue solo projects with Nusa Damai album spawned in early 1997. Then proceed also with my guitar (2000), and Samsara (2003)